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Smart Finance for Employed
Name is required.
Name must have a minimum of {{$v.smartFinance.Name.$params.minLength.min}} letters
Address is required.
Address must have a minimum of {{$v.smartFinance.Address.$params.minLength.min}} letters
Phone is required.
Phone can only have numbers.
Phone must have a minimum of {{$v.smartFinance.Phone.$params.minLength.min}} digits.
Email is required.
Email has to be a valid email.
A legal ID is required.
A legal ID has to be smaller than 5MB
A legal ID has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.LegalID.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
{{statementDescription}} is required.
{{statementDescription}} is required or both {{salarySlipDescription}}s are required.
{{statementDescription}} has to be smaller than 5MB
{{statementDescription}} has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.Statement.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
{{salarySlipDescription}} 1 is required.
{{salarySlipDescription}} 1 and 2 are required or a {{statementLabel}} is required
{{salarySlipDescription}} 1 has to be smaller than 5MB
{{salarySlipDescription}} 1 has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.SalarySlip1.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
{{salarySlipDescription}} 2 is required.
{{salarySlipDescription}} 2 has to be smaller than 5MB
{{salarySlipDescription}} 2 has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.SalarySlip2.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
Bank Statement 1 is required.
Bank Statement 1 has to be smaller than 5MB
Bank Statement 1 has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.BankStatement1.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
Bank Statement 2 is required.
Bank Statement 2 has to be smaller than 5MB
Bank Statement 2 has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.BankStatement2.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
An address verification is required.
An address verification has to be smaller than 5MB
An address verification has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.AddressVerification.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
Product Quote is required.
Product Quote has to be smaller than 5MB
Product Quote has to be one of these types {{$v.smartFinance.ProductQuote.allowedFileExtensions.$params.allowedFileExtensions}}
Notes is required.
{{ message }}